Thursday, February 7, 2013

$5 Weekly Spa Day

For years I had heard and read about epsom salts being a great additive to a bath, however, I never paid enough attention to think it would help me. I do regret not looking into this soothing miracle sooner. I have seen packets and cartons of epsom salts sold in drug stores, the 99 cents only store, and health food stores. I always passed them by without a second glance. I am so glad I remembered where I had seen them! Recently, I read somewhere that epsom salts were good for plants. That alone was the reason I just had to buy some. I want my garden to be fruitful, and I'll try almost anything natural. I did a little bit of research, and learned that the crystals are magnesium, and are very good for the skin. I was intrigued. I rushed to my local 99 cents only store, and bought a few cartons and bags of this stuff.

Coincidently, my daughter had pulled a muscle in her neck. I remembered the epsom salts, and convinced her to take a bath in it. She reported that her neck felt a lot better, and she was able to move it again! I had to "feel" it for myself, so I took and epsom bath, and I have to say-it was soothing, relaxing, and I felt good afterwards. I thought maybe it was a placebo affect, so I took one every week for a month. The same good feeling each time.

I recommend this type of bath for anyone with anxiety, sore, achy body, or for a nice, relaxing way to unwind. For less than $5 a month, you can enjoy the serenity of these baths every week.

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